The Renaissance is a council for guilds in RhyDin. It represents guild that are moving towards the future, and moving away from the normal. We at the Renaissance would like to see a Renaissance in RhyDin, a change all over RhyDin. This can happen, because the Renaissance discriminates against no one. As the Renaissance grows, so will the movement itself. To make RhyDin a better place, a new place. -([email protected], renaissance leader) Renaissance Guilds Renaissance Rules Renaissance People Syndicate Optical: Syndicate Optical (SO) is my corporate veiwing glass for you into the Renaissance. It is where I say what is going on and who is doing what, who is where how when and why. Got it? Good, cuz' I'm not explaining it again. Well now, we just started the Renaissance a short time ago. Actually, a very short time ago. It offically started June twenty ninth, 1998. It came into the land of RhyDinwith very little backing and only one or two guilds to stake claim on. Now, we are going to push it to the limit, and try to move foward. We are going to make it bigger, better and with the renaissance spirit! Sure, it will be tough, but as numbers grow, we will become stronger. So, any GCs looking for a council, please e-mail [email protected] for more information (yes, that is a zero in case you were wondering). |